The fall and rise of www

I think it’s funny that the internet is returning to its roots of connecting millions of independent websites.

Sites like Facebook and Youtube came along and aggregated a lot of the content, so users spent less time ‘surfing the web’ and more time ‘doom scrolling’ through their sites.

They had a pretty decent thing going, too, until they got enamored by their own power. They couldn’t leave well enough alone. They began believing their own BS. They believe they can influence the masses do whatever they believe is the ‘right’ thing.

To some extent, they can. Many folks are sheep that desperately want to be in the ‘in’ group. Maybe 50 – 70% of the people out there.

Youtubers I’ve been following for a few years, as they’ve created niche content that I find more appealing than homogenized, mass entertainment, are now being pushed by Youtube to create homogenized, mass entertainment void of anything that can be deemed remotely controversial by anybody.

To get around that, they are going back to the world wide web and creating their own sites.
